Edigear is built on top of most reliable global SMS/VOIP providers to deliver high quality services and affordable prices

Phone Number Verification Services


Short Message Service

The most reliable method for verifying a user mobile number where a user receives a 4 digits confirmation code by SMS


Outbound Phone Call

A suitable solution to verify both of a user's mobile or landline number where I user receives a call on his number with an automated message stating the 4 digits confirmation code


Inbound Phone Call

The cheapest solution of all and favored by startups where a user dials a number provided by edigear to verify his number without charging him/her any fees. Also this solution is suitable for both of mobile and landline numbers

Benefits Of Using Edigear

Save Time On Technical Implementation

Pay For Successful Verifications Only

Save Money Compared To Other Solutions

99.99 Uptime

Tailored For Perfection